Tank Tank - My Janome HD9 Professional
I have plenty of Janome sewing machines so why did I need (want) another? One of my frustrations has been not enough penetration power when going over bulky seams. I have learned how to adjust but there have been a few times I resorted to hand sewing and I loathe hand sewing. What's laughable is I bought the Janome Memory Craft 6700P because when I tested it at the dealer - it went through bulky seams with no problem. At the dealer I put the pedal to the metal and went for it. When I bought mine home I was too afraid to do that with my machine - I did not want to "hurt" my machine. Matching Cover I Made For It Why the name Tank Tank? It reminds me of an army tank. I can pick it up by myself but it is heavy and in my mind indestructible. When I decided that I needed single needle heavy duty sewing machine I originally intended to purchase an industrial one from my dealer. I realized the table it came in did not have wheels and th...