Sewing Machine Cover for Tank Tank

I had wonderful sewing plans for this weekend that got interrupted by a mild case of vertigo (mild in the sense that at least I could stand up).  Instead of endless enjoyable sewing, I had to walk slowly while holding on to things to keep my balance and not make any sudden moves.

Today I felt coherent enough to post my sewing machine cover that I made for Tank Tank.  Yes I am one of those "crazy's" who names sewing machines.

I have never liked the bland ugly covers that come with my sewing machines, so I finally took time to make one for my Janome HD9.

Front - My Custom Cover

How I Did It

Initially I thought adding some machine embroidery to the cover that came with it would be enough, but it wasn't - I still thought it was bland and looked worse with the embroidery.

Cover That Came with the Machine with my Added Embroidery
The embroidery looks horrible on the original cover so I knew I needed a custom one.  For my sewing machine cover I used Closet Case Patterns free pattern posted on their website.  I won't give details because their site already does that.  I will show pictures of my construction steps and mention what I did differently.

All fabric came from scraps left over from other projects. 

The Lining

The pattern did not have a lining - this was something I added.  The lining was some fleece that had been in my stash forever.  When I cut it I cut it too narrow and ended up having to add an extension piece which you don't see because the fabric is so busy.  What you do see is the selvage and that was definitely not intended, but since it was the lining and no one would ever see it I left it (also I didn't have enough fabric to re-cut it).

I also added some iron on fleece to the back of the lining to give it a little padding.

Didn't Intend for Selvage to be Included

Iron On Fleece Added to Back of Lining

Lining Attached

Completed Cover 

I used denim left over from a previous project as the main fabric.  The pattern called for pockets and snaps on the front and back, but I put pockets only on the back and added embroidery to the front.  I also eliminated the snap on the pockets.

The embroidery came from 2 different sources.  The "Sew Crazy and Lovin It" was a free design from Baby Lock.  The "love to sew" was a design I got when I went to a Missy B event.

The "Tank Tank" and "Fabric You Don't Scare Me" was don't with a glitter heat press vinyl.  This was added after the embroidery was completed.


Left Side


Right Side

Completed Cover Placed On The Machine

Construction Pictures

My Machine 

I even decorated my machine.  I meant to have the "fabric you don't scare me" over to the right but got excited and put it in the wrong place.  No way was I going to try to remove it.


The free sewing machine cover had really good instructions which also included how to adjust the pattern for the size of your machine.  I really love the free design from Baby Lock - it was perfect for my sewing machine cover.  My top stitching is a little wonky but other than that I am satisfied with this make.

What's Next

Cashmerette just came out with a new pattern called the Fuller Cardigan and that would be perfect to wear with my new leggings - besides I want to make more leggings.  Only time will tell what I make next since I am easily distracted.


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