Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway - StyleArc Sandra Narrow Leg Jean - Custom Fit

My 2019 sewing goal was to make a good fitting pair of jeans.  It has been a two year journey and I have found at least one pattern that works for me.

StyleArc Sandra Narrow Leg Jean

When I made the goal I started buying tools that I would need to put on the rivets, bought denim fabric and even bought a pattern (Cashmerette Ames Jeans) but then fear set in.  I knew pants in general take work to fit, but I also knew jeans would be even harder so I put it off again and again until the year was gone.

2020 came and I refused to allow fear to stand in the way of me making a good fitting pair of jeans.  This was not easy and the hardest part was getting the yoke and waist band to fit.  It was hard because I did not know how to do it.  Thru trial and error and finally finding the one Craftsy class The Perfect Jeans by Jennifer Stern-Hasemann that made it clear for me I was able to get it done.

I won't do my normal post because I detailed it here - I will only give details about my final yoke and waistband adjustments.

Pattern Adjustments (Yoke and Waistband Only)

  • Yoke - I removed a total of 1 1/4" from the inner curve by marking 5 straight lines on pattern piece about 1 3/4" apart.  I slashed the lines up to the seam allowance, but not through it and over lapped it 1/4" for each line.  I cut the yoke out of muslin and stabilized it with interfacing on the back and stitched it to the jeans to ensure I had the correct fit.
Original Yoke (Front and Back)

Modified Yoke

  • Waistband - I removed a total of 3" from the inner curve by marking 12 straight lines on pattern piece about 2" apart.  I slashed the lines up to the seam allowance, but not through it and over lapped it 1/4" for each line.  I cut the waistband out of muslin and stabilized it with interfacing on the back and stitched it to the jeans to ensure I had the correct fit.
  • I will now use the correctly fitted yoke and waistband muslins as my pattern pieces.
Top is the Original Waistband - Lower is the Modified Waistband

The modified pattern pieces are quite dramatic, particularly the waistband. Now I need to start the Ames Jeans pattern (after I make me a couple more pairs of the Sandra Jean).

Two years later and a pandemic but I finally got them done 😄.

Resources That Helped Me

  • Craftsy class The Perfect Jeans by Jennifer Stern-Hasemann
  • Johanna Lundstrom wrote Sewing Jeans - a book that I highly recommend
  • Cashmerette Ellis Skirt pattern (applied same adjustments made to the inner curve of yoke and wasitband from this skirt to the jeans)

Finished Pictures


  1. Hello Pam
    This is Linnca. I just logged into your blog and wanted to add that you jeans turned out fantastic. The fit is spot on .... and I have seen them in person. Very impressive 👏 👌 👍

  2. You're my hero! I'm still working up nerve to take my measurements!

  3. Go ahead and take your measurements. The beauty about being able to sew is that no matter what your measurements you can make clothes that fit you and that look fabulous on you.

  4. Your jeans look great on you! I am trying to work up the courage to make pants for myself. I've sewn for decades & have never made pants. You are an inspiration for me, thank you!

    1. Do it. I know you can do it. Don't be afraid like i was. Remember it took me several tries before this pair so Don't give up if you don't think your first, second, third.... pair isn't perfect.


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