Lekala 5126 - Version 2

Lately I have been using Lekala patterns exclusively and have remarked "Oh How I love Lekala".  Now I will explain why.  Please understand that I am not getting paid money or anything else from Lekala.  When I find something that works for me I like to share it with others in the hopes that it will work for them also.
Subconsciously Hiding my Bigger Left Hip

Lekala 5126
I will explain later in this post why I am not actually modeling the pants.  Pants really look best on a model.

Lekala 5126

My body has changed significantly and I need to make adjustments - major adjustments.  Making the adjustments became time consuming and really frustrating.  By the time I finished my adjustments I didn't want to sew.  Sewing is my relaxation so I needed to find a solution.

I don't remember how I stumbled upon Lekala - I am just glad I did. So what is it that a I love about Lekala?

  1. I start with a pattern for my measurements which means means I may only need to make a minor adjustment.
  2. The patterns are a great price
  3. The patterns are stylish and current
  4. I don't have to go to the store
  5. I'm in love with sewing again
  6. I have limited time to sew - I have recouped some sewing time
To be fair, I have gotten a couple of "dud" patterns from Lekala.  There either was a problem with the pattern or the pattern did not fit.  In each of these cases I have contacted Lekala and gotten satisfactory results.  Overall I have been pleased.

How I Did It

I won't go into much detail except to note the changes I make since I have already reviewed this pattern before.  This post will have mostly pictures.

The first time I made these I realized after completing them that I needed a 1 inch adjustment at the back seam.  My waist is 1 inch higher in the back so I made the adjustment for that.  I will still need to fix the seaming on it because this fix worked when only turned down the back 1 inch instead of 2 inches.

Once I made the modification I forgot to take into account that I was now turning the back down 2 inches so I had gapping in the back - again.  I had to remove the top stitching and the seam to fix it - I was not happy and considered leaving it but I knew better.

I will add the seam allowance on the pattern in the correct spot (need to continue the 1 inch down to the fold mark).

One Inch Adjustment at Back Seam
More pictures of the construction and top stitching.  The top stitching is not my best work.  For some reason I was struggling to maintain a straight line.  I used a Sulky 30wt Cotton Blendable for the top stitching.


I again made belt loops and again decided not to attach them.  I just remembered I was supposed to add pockets to this version - oh well.

So why am I not modeling the pants?  I normally take pictures just inside my guest bathroom but there was an animal in there (grasshopper).  So the door was shut with a towel at the bottom so it could not escape to another part of my home.  It stayed that way until I could have someone come and remove it (kill it). I HATE CREEPY CRAWLERS!

What's Next

I have 2 patterns already cut out and plan to cut out one more before I go to my sewing machine.  Only one of the patterns is new.  Not sure which one I will sew up first.

Lekala 4053 
Lekala  4646

Lekala S3023


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