Montana Midi Dress

This "easy" dress had me repenting (I John 1:9) and praying .  I was having a good time sewing - I had just completed 2 more pairs of leggings and a top.  Then I picked up this dress from my cut pile and it was down hill after that.

How I Did It

I will be honest I was so frustrated with this "easy" make I was ready to toss it.  Had I not loved the fabric so much I would have.  The instructions for completing the shoulder seams and turning the bodice are confusing and just don't work 😠.  I also went to StyleArc's web site for detail instructions on this one and they were better but still did not work.  Long story short - I was bound and determine I would understand the instructions so I spent hours sewing and ripping shoulder seams.  After realizing that I was going to lose my seam allowance if I continued handling the fabric I came to my senses.

I was frustrated and felt completely defeated.  I finally told myself to put it down and move on.  Then I prayed and as I was putting the dress aside I looked at the shoulder seam and immediately understood what was wrong with the instructions.  I took me 5 minutes to sew the shoulder seams and turn the bodice.

I bought new fabric for this one from Style Maker Fabrics .  It is called a print mix spring floral rayon challis.


I shortened the skirt portion 3 inches.

This pattern have an enormous amount of ease and I should have gone down 1 size.  Quite honestly the dress does not hang properly on me and I believe it is due to the dress being so big on me.

Some Construction/Completion Pictures


To say this dress was a painful sew would be an understatement.  The instructions were perfect except for sewing the shoulder seams and turning the bodice.  The dress is super comfortable.  Because it is so big it does not hang properly on me and I am constantly adjusting it.  I am still debating on giving it away.

Will I make it again - probably not but only time will tell.

What's Next

I have one or two more items in my cut pile, so one of them will be next.  


  1. You just got to made another one in a smaller size.. Do not let the pattern defeat you.. Your fabric is beautiful, why not take the skirt off and put gentle darts in the back and under the boobs to give it some shaping, shape the side seams to tamper in also. With the skirt reduce some of the skirt width and reattached.. On a hot day, it such a ideal dress, and you do look very nice, but agree, it is atad big for you.. but love, love your fabric.

    1. Great thoughts, going to bear this in mind if mine turns out too large ( just researching ahead of sewing ) worth a try when it’s such lovely fabric. Looks lovely but we all know it has to feel lovely to get worn

    2. It was my mistake, I was still learning to adjust patterns to my body.

  2. I love how you prayed and even more how the Lord answered you.

    1. Yes! Too often we forget that we can pray about everything in our lives and that the Lord can and is willing to answer all prayer - even for the little or what we consider insignificant things.


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